
Weed control

All Season Weed control. This includes all Broadleaf weeds (including bindii prickle), Wintergrass, Crabgrass, Nutgrass, Guildford Grass and Onion Grass.  (Pre and Post Emergent control treatments are available.)

Lawn Pest, Disease & Fungus Control

At The Lawncare Man we identify various lawn pests and diseases. We design and carry out treatment plans to eradicate present pest activity and formulate ways of further treatment. 

Fertilising – Foliar & Granular

Regular fertilising is vital providing year round nutrition which will drive growth and vigour in your lawn. Increasing your lawn’s strength and resilience is a key to resisting weed, fungus and insect invasion.

Wetting Agent Application

Wetting agents are vital to ensure that the precious water you apply soaks into soil/rootzone and is available for root uptake allowing proper transpiration for the grass plant.


If your lawn is struggling with a repellence issue, coring could be the solution. Coring is the process of punching small holes in your lawn removing plugs of soil to promote increased water penetration and oxygenation into the root zone.


Thick, spongy couch lawns respond well to a Spring ‘clean-up’ via vertimowing/dethatching. Vertimowing cuts vertically into the grass thatch layer which removes large amounts of thatch organic matter that accumulates as grass grows.

Top Dressing

Top dressing is an underestimated renovation process, often overlooked or misunderstood in terms of its importance. Top dressing provides a growth and recovery media to assist new shoots to fire away into previously bare areas.

Broadacre Boom Spraying

The Lawncare Man uses state of the art spray equipment and spray technology for large area broadacre spraying. We service local government, public open space, schools, and sport and recreation facilities.

Soil and Leaf Tissue analysis and amendment

Occasionally, a lawn just doesn’t react to applied nutrients, herbicides, fungicides or even irrigation as we would expect. What’s going on in the leaf canopy? What’s going on in the soil profile?

Targeted treatment of Trace Element deficiencies

We all understand the importance of the blend of a quality NPK fertiliser applied regularly throughout your lawn areas.

New Lawn Installations and lawn repairs

The Lawncare Man provides new lawn installations on new sites, as well as removing and replacing existing lawns.

Reticulation Maintenance and Repairs

Is your reticulation system not working as well as it used to? Ensuring your lawn is receiving adequate water and coverage is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn.


Perth’s extreme, hot, dry summer imposes difficult conditions for growing lawns. Add some of the poorest sand soils on the planet, increasing water cost and restriction on its use, we really have a job on our hands!